LA Clippers Reflect on NBA Draft Without Jerry West

The recent NBA draft marked a poignant milestone for the LA Clippers, as it was their first without the presence of the legendary Jerry West in their war room. West, who passed away on June 12 at the age of 86, had served as a consultant for the team for the past seven years. His influence on the organization was profound and transformative.

Jerry West was much more than a consultant. He played a pivotal role in the recruitment of star players Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, acts that significantly bolstered the team's competitive edge. His contributions helped to position the Clippers as a formidable force within the NBA, elevating the organization's standing in the league.

As the Clippers' president of basketball operations, Lawrence Frank, noted, "He loved the draft. It was like Christmas. He loved knowing every single player, he loved meeting the players. Took great pride in where guys would go. After the draft selections were made, he was so happy." This encapsulates just how integral the draft was to West and hints at the emotional void felt by the Clippers' organization in his absence.

The recent draft night was not just another date on the calendar for the Clippers. It was a reflective occasion, deeply imbued with memories of West's legacy and his inimitable passion for the draft process. "It's a bittersweet day. Very sad that Jerry wasn't here for it," Frank expressed, underscoring the melancholic air that characterized the evening.

This particular draft night carried an added layer of complexity for the Clippers, as the team did not hold a first-round pick. Nonetheless, they made the most of their lone selection in the second round by choosing Cameron Christie from Minnesota with the 46th pick. Christie's selection is itself a nod to the meticulous scouting that West would have undoubtedly approved of.

Born in West Virginia, Jerry West's association with basketball was nothing short of legendary. His collegiate career at West Virginia University from 1957 to 1960 was marked by stellar performances that led him to becoming the second overall pick in the NBA draft by the Minneapolis Lakers. West's professional career is adorned with accolades, including being a 14-time All-Star and playing a crucial role in the Lakers' 1972 NBA championship.

Reflecting on West's lasting impact on the team, Frank remarked, "We just want to honor and respect Jerry every single day." It's clear that the Clippers' organization is committed to upholding the values and competitive spirit that West brought to the team for nearly a decade.

Jerry West's enduring legacy continues to inspire those within the Clippers' organization. His passion for the game and his strategic acumen shaped the current landscape of the team and will likely influence future decisions and directions. The Clippers may have navigated their first draft without him, but his presence was palpably felt, echoing through the decisions made and the aspirations held for the future.

As the Clippers look toward future seasons, they carry with them the remarkable influence of a basketball titan who dedicated a significant portion of his life to elevating the game and the teams he worked with. Jerry West may no longer be physically present, but his legacy remains an integral part of the Clippers' DNA.