Sean Payton's Journey with the Denver Broncos

Sean Payton’s journey as the head coach of the Denver Broncos is entering its second season, carrying with it the weight of a challenging inaugural year. Yet, as the new season unfolds, Payton finds himself drawing comparisons that echo the success of his past. One such comparison involves Denver’s latest draft pick, Bo Nix, and NFL legend Drew Brees, a quarterback with whom Payton found immense success during their tenure with the New Orleans Saints.

Building on Past Success

When Sean Payton speaks about Drew Brees, it's with a blend of reverence and nostalgia, underpinned by a clear appreciation for Brees' unique abilities. The partnership between Payton and Brees defined an era for the Saints, culminating in a Super Bowl victory and multiple playoff runs. Brees' capacity to make quick decisions and his remarkable sense of timing were pivotal. Over his illustrious 20-year career, Brees was sacked more than 30 times in a season only twice, averaging 22 sacks per season. This resilience in the pocket became a hallmark of his gameplay, which Payton frequently highlights.

"I used to say this all the time: The sack numbers are a reflection more on the quarterback than the offensive line. Brees was one of those guys, he was a tough sack. The ball came out, and I think Bo has traits like that," Payton noted, shedding light on the attributes he sees in Bo Nix that remind him of his former star quarterback.

Bo Nix - The New Hope

Bo Nix, selected 12th overall in April's draft, enters the NFL spotlight carrying the weight of expectations. Having played 61 college games, Nix brings with him a level of maturity and experience that Payton finds essential. "All right, we're looking for similarities. I would say mentally, [Nix] wants to know as much and as fast as he can. I think there's maybe a maturity level because, again, [Nix] played 61 games [in college] and when [the Saints] got Drew, it was off of his rookie contract and coming off an injury," Payton remarked.

Nix’s ability to mimic Brees' quick release and pocket sense appears to be a significant draw for Payton. The coach's insights suggest a firm belief in Nix's potential to become a pivotal player for the Broncos. "You see pretty good pocket sense. Doesn't take a lot of sacks. I think when he knows when the play's over, time to go, and then, I think he can make plays when he's going," Payton elaborated on Nix's abilities.

The Challenge for Russell Wilson

As Payton builds for the future, the present situation with veteran quarterback Russell Wilson cannot be ignored. Wilson’s inaugural season with the Broncos was fraught with difficulties, marked by persistent protection issues. Over Wilson's initial 12-year career, he has been sacked an average of nearly 44 times per season. This stark contrast to Brees' stats underscores Payton's point about the importance of a quarterback's role in avoiding sacks. The ability to release the ball swiftly and maintain composure under pressure is non-negotiable in Payton’s system, and he will undoubtedly press this with Wilson moving forward.

Competition Breeding Success

Amid these adjustments and preparations, Jarrett Stidham emerges as a significant competitor for the starting quarterback role. The presence of another capable quarterback in the mix ensures that complacency is kept at bay, fostering a competitive environment crucial for team development. Payton’s history reveals a coach who thrives on cultivating talent and maximizing potential, and Stidham's involvement is likely a strategic move in that direction.

Looking Forward

As the Broncos navigate the complexities of a new season, the echoes of Payton’s successful past with the Saints offer both hope and a blueprint. The parallels he draws between Brees and Nix reflect not only his coaching philosophy but also his unwavering belief in the importance of a quarterback’s instincts and mental acuity. While challenges remain, the infusion of new talent and a focus on building a resilient team structure heralds a cautiously optimistic future for Denver under Payton’s guidance.

Drew Brees' anticipated induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2026 will undoubtedly rekindle memories of glorious days gone by. For Payton, it's a chance to reflect on what made those days possible and to channel the experience and knowledge gained into his current role with the Denver Broncos.